Plastic Bottled Water Facts

1. In 1767, Jackson’s Spa sold the first commercially produced bottled water in Boston, United States.
2. 3 times the amount of water is needed to produce a bottled water.
3. Americans throw away 35 billion plastic bottles, 8.6 billion gallons of bottled water every year. The purchase made each week in the U.S. could circle the globe five times.
4. Tap water has a more stringent test and regulations in Canada and the US as compared to bottled water manufacturer.
5. From the test conducted by NRDC, 33% of the bottled water was contaminated by chemicals.
6. Studies from Forbes shows that 93% of the bottled water tested around the globe contains microplastic.
7. 17 million barrels of oil is consumed to produce plastic bottles yearly. It is equivalent to the fuel for 1 million cars for a year.
Statistic And Market Share

Bottle Water Prediction By Guardian
8. It is estimated that a million plastic bottles are purchased globally every minute and is expected to rise by 20% in 2021.
9. 300 billion plastic bottles were sold a decade ago as compared to 500 billion in recent years.
10. According to Transparency Market Research, the global bottled water market is worth $198.5 billion. This number is set to reach $300 billion by 2024.
11. Consumer Reports analysis found that an average person spends $346 for bottled water each year while the same amount of tap water cost 48 cents. Bottled water cost close to 1,000+ times more than tap water.
Environmental Impact

12. It takes 1000 years for plastic water bottles to fully decomposed and incineration produces toxic fumes.
13. 92% of dead seabirds have ingested plastic up to 5% of their body weight. Birds, mammals, and sea turtles sometimes ingest bottle caps they encounter in the wild and are injured or die.
14. If the energy on creating bottled water was used in powering homes, it would power approximately 190,000 homes. The equivalent of about 50 million barrels of oil is used for the processing, transport, and refrigeration of bottled water every year.
15. Water stored in plastic bottles for 10 weeks contained a chemical that could disrupt hormones in the human body.
16. Making plastic water bottles produces millions of tons of CO2, which contributes to climate change.
Recycling Plastic Bottles

17. Only 1 in 4 plastic bottles are recycled in the U.S. while 80% of bottles in the world are not recycled. An average American used 167 water bottles, but only recycled 38 of them.
18. Bottle caps are not recyclable as they are made from a different material from the body.
19. 88% energy saving on recycling plastic compared to making plastic from raw materials.
20. One ton of recycled plastic will save:
- 5,774 kWh of electricity.
- 685 gallons of oil
- 98 million Btu’s of energy
- 30 cubic yards of landfill space.
Easily accessible on bottled water comes at a cost, EXCESSIVE RUBBISH!
Most developed countries are not able to cope with recycling trash and try shipping them aboard. While China starts shutting its door on accepting recycle trash, the trash is piling up in countries like the US, Canada, and Australia.
Plastic bottled water is really unnecessary to be part of the trash. Do your part in reducing the waste by getting your own water bottle. A decent water bottle should not cost more than $10.
If you are concern on the contaminants in the tap water in public, get a filtered water bottle to remove it.
If you are concern about plastic contamination, get a glass or a stainless steel bottle.
When the demands reduce, so goes the production and the trash. Help mother nature in reducing waste which will have a negative impact on the environment.
Check out the awesome infographic for all the 20 facts of plastic bottled water mentioned above.